Online Video Consultations
As many dancers other parts of the world do not have access to high quality dance specific care, we offer online video consultations via Zoom to our international clients. As dance physiotherapy can be very specific, our therapists can help break down the injury into components that can be treated by a non dance-specific therapist.
Online video consultations can be extremely beneficial to dancers and dance teacher alike to get detailed information and advice on any injuries or pain you may be experiencing, if you are not achieving the results you require from local therapists. We also welcome any local treating therapists to join the call with an injured client to help trouble shoot ideas and develop the most effective and complete rehab program possible.
These sessions are available at our regular rates and must be pre-booked and pre-paid.
Things that will help with the sessions are:
- A history of your injury and any reports from physios/specialists you’ve been seeing recently.
- A laptop and webcam (a laptop is preferred because it’s very easy to move around the floor).
- Someone to be there to help you out with the session, ie for filming or taking notes.